Priscila da Cunha Jácome Vidal
Prof. Ph.D
Offshore Structures Decommissioning Researcher
Federal Rural University of the Semi-arid Region
Department of Engineering – Angicos
Adjunct Professor at UFERSA in the Industrial Engineering course (2014-current). She interned in the area of Industrial Engineering at PETROBRAS in 2010 and at the Regional Council of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism (CREA/RN) in 2009. Main areas of expertise: Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas platforms, decision analysis, mathematical programming, production simulation, work safety.
– Decision models applied to the decommissioning of offshore structures (coordinator)
– -Spatial decision models for the renewable energy sector – States of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte (vice-coordinator)
– Automated inventory management process for hazardous materials on merchant vessels, offshore platforms and abandoned ships destined for decommissioning, dismantling and recycling (member)
– Courses (informações em inglês):
– PhD in Petroleum Engineering from the Graduate Program in Petroleum Sciences and Engineering at UFRN.
– Master’s degree in industrial engineering by the Graduate Department of Industrial Engineering at UFPE.
– Industrial Engineer from the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA).
– Technical course in Software Development at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN).
– PhD in Petroleum Engineering from the Graduate Program in Petroleum Sciences and Engineering at UFRN;
– Master’s degree in industrial engineering by the Graduate Department of Industrial Engineering at UFPE;
– Industrial Engineer from the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA);
– Technical course in Software Development at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN).